Clusia aequatoriensis, a new comination based on Tovomita aequatoriensis (Clusiaceae)


Lucas Cardoso Marinho

Angy Vanesa Caro-Sánchez

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During the investigation of some taxa of Clusiaceae from the Andean region, as part of the taxonomic review of Tovomita Aubl. by the senior author and the review of Chrysochlamys Poepp. from Colombia by the junior author, we found that the type collection of Tovomita aequatoriensis Benoist, consisting of at least two isosyntypes, does not exhibit a few critical characters of the genus. Although it is hard to determine the identity of the members of the sections of Clusia in the absence of staminate flowers, we assert that the leaf venation and coloration, the 5-carpellate ovary with thick and angular stigmas emerging from short styles, and the Andean distribution are indicative of the fact that the species T. aequatoriensis belongs to Clusia sect. Anandrogyne Planch. & Triana. Therefore, we transfer T. aequatoriensis to the genus Clusia, and we herewith propose the new combination Clusia aequatoriensis (Benoist) L. Marinho & A. Caro.


Marinho, L. C., & Caro-Sánchez, A. V. (2024). Clusia aequatoriensis, a new comination based on Tovomita aequatoriensis (Clusiaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany, 29(1), 119-120.

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