New record of Oryctanthus grammatus (Loranthaceae), a parasitic plant known only from the type collection

Biological collections
Flora of Antioquia
Flora of Colombia

Isabel Carmona-Gallego

Jhon Steven Murillo-Serna

Francisco Javier Roldán-Palacio

Fernando Alveiro Alzate-Guarin

Fecha de publicación




Oryctanthus grammatus is a species described in 2011 and found in the biogeographic area of the Magdalena River, Colombia, which is known only from the type specimen collected in 1916 in the Department of Bolívar. We report here an additional specimen found 71 years later in the Department of Antioquia, which makes it the second record of this species. We discuss here the taxonomic affinities of the species and we emphasize the value of historical collections for the knowledge of biodiversity.


Carmona-Gallego, I., Murillo-Serna, J. S., Roldán-Palacio, F. J., & Alzate-Guarín, F. A. (2019). New record of Oryctanthus grammatus (Loranthaceae), a parasitic plant known only from the type collection. Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 43(169), 699–704.

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