Miscellaneous nomenclatural notes on Andean Chrysochlamys (Clusiaceae: Clusieae)

Andean species

Angy Vanesa Caro-Sánchez

Lucas Cardoso Marinho

Álvaro Idárraga-Piedrahíta

Fernando Alveiro Alzate-Guarin

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Chrysochlamys (Clusiaceae) is a strictly Neotropical genus that comprises between 35 and 55 species. The taxonomy of the genus is poorly-known in South American region, especially in Andean countries. During the taxonomic revision of Chrysochlamys and related genera in Colombia we observed two mainly gaps: the unclear nomenclatural history of Andean Chrysochlamys and the necessity of lectotypification of some species published by Pax, Poeppig, Planchon and Triana. To solve both issues, we provide a Chrysochlamys nomenclatural history summary and reduce nomenclatural ambiguities on a few Andean flora. For this, we carried out an exhaustive analysis of Chrysochlamys and related genera type collections and protologues. We propose a new combination, Chrysochlamys microcarpa comb. nov., originally published in Tovomita, designated six lectotypes, propose a numbering for three Triana’s type collections, and discuss a case of inadvertent lectotypification. This paper provides relevant information about problematic or understudied Chrysochlamys species, which will be useful for subsequent taxonomic studies.


Caro-Sánchez, A. V., Marinho, L. C., Idárraga-Piedrahíta, Á., & Alzate-Guarín, F. A. (2024). Miscellaneous nomenclatural notes on Andean Chrysochlamys (Clusiaceae: Clusieae). Phytotaxa, 663(4), 221–230. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.663.4.4

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